Sorry for staying away without any further notice… I had a horrible experience last friday and it took me a while to regain my footing. Hence no music making and no blogging. It wasn’t my intention to vanish like that, but I needed the time. I’m happy to say though that [...]
Had a bit of an undecisive day yesterday when I had no clue if the arrangement for ‘Hearts first’ was any good, especially the beats. So I didn’t make all that much progress – adding things and deleting them again. I ended up going to Antje Öklesund to see Phoebe Kreutz [...]
I’m gonna have to keep it short tonight. Seriously have to go to bed now. Early appointment tomorrow and apparently I have to walk for almost 40 minutes to get there because of this damn BVG strike. Here’s a picture to prove it: One hour less to make music. I wonder if I should try to [...]
Today was a strange day. I’ve been heating my place with a coal-burning stove, because it’s cheaper and quite cosy and warm. Last saturday when it was so stormy the smoke started seeping out and into the room even though the stove was shut and I had to open the windows. Since then [...]
My computer was seriously throwing a fit today. What’s different? I’ve got no idea. Slowing and then freezing even though nothing I had opened needed too much CPU. And to top it all off the building site next door was as noisy as it hasn’t been for weeks if not months. So between [...]
It’s done. ‘Webs’ is finished apart from the vocals and the final mix – as usual. It took longer than I had hoped, but I think it’d be stupid to start doing things half-heartedly now. I worked out all the little details, made refinements for the beats, checked if [...]
Shocking how much time I can spend with one song. Although I must admit I’ve been a bit distracted today. It seems my friends’ve had enough of not seeing me and start demanding my reappearance. Can’t complain about that, can I? Spoke to my best friend and he’s okay with me [...]
In the last two days I’ve continued working on ‘Webs’ although it might end up with a different title. I thought I had a refrain already, but it turned out to be much better suited as a bridge. So today I wrote lyrics and music for the chorus and recorded it. I also laid down some [...]
So I began the new song called ‘Webs’ today. Like a breath of fresh air. Back in the flow of things. No sign of writer’s block. Ha! The lyrics are taken from a short story written by my best friend that he probably doesn’t even remember writing. I’m sure he [...]