
Noise Machine Remix Now Available on female:pressure Compilation

March 8, 2016
Today on International Women’s Day, the compilation ‘Music, Awareness & Solidarity w/ Rojava Revolution’ is out on Bandcamp. It contains 12 fantastic tracks by various female:pressure members including my song Noise Machine that I remixed myself for the occasion. The proceeds

New Song, New Remix: Noise Machine (Rojava Revolution Remix)

February 9, 2016
female:pressure, a network for women in electronic music that I’m part of, has launched an awareness and solidarity campaign for the cantons of Rojava (located in northern Syria), where women participate on all levels of decision making and building a new society from scratch, with built-in

Live Performance in Chennai, India

November 29, 2014
This is where I’m invited to play:


vBlog #1

May 28, 2012


vBlog #4

August 13, 2012



The Odyssey of Getting Well

October 18, 2017
Damn. It’s been close to two years since I last wrote on here. If you’re one of the few people who come back to my site once in a while, you have surely noticed that I’d changed the web design for the site. You see I’m trying. My excuse is, life got in the way – and

Happy New Year 2016 or The Patient Patient

January 1, 2016
A very happy, healthy and creative new year to all of the few readers I probably have left on this blog. An update has been long overdue, but I’ve got a good reason why it’s taken me so long. I’m sick and have been for quite some time. Already a year ago I felt very exhausted and

What To Do With All Those To Dos

April 28, 2015
I’ve been meaning to write an update for a long time, but I didn’t really know what to write. It would’ve gone something like this: still stuck in the songs, it seems I’ve lost all feeling for them. Not that exciting, is it? You may know that I started my own business Sonic

Check out my releases!