Sparks of ideas and last call for Mingle

By Madeleine 12 years ago1 Comment
Home  /  Collabs  /  Sparks of ideas and last call for Mingle

Despite trying my best to live healthy I got a Bronchitis last week and am still getting over the last bit of it. Let’s hope I’m done with being sick for this year and it’ll be uphill from now on. This means I haven’t quite managed to finish the mixes for the first 8 songs, yet. Also the next vBlog won’t be up tonight as promised, but only next Monday.

When I needed to just kick back and recover I got bored rather quickly. The results were some really good ideas, I think. I’ve got a rough plan for the cover artwork for the upcoming EP now. I also found some amazing locations for video and photo shoots in and around Berlin. I can’t even properly remember how. I just googled something and they somehow just popped up. Really excited about it all, to be honest. I’d love to dive right in, but first things first.

I’ve also been thinking about the redesign of the website. First of, I don’t like that the Ableton Live tutorials are in my personal blog so they’ll get their own dedicated spot within the website. The redesign should be up with the release of the EP in early autumn as this will close the Minutia cycle. There’s still a ton of details to be worked out though and then loads of coding to be done. Finding those stunning locations online has sparked the whole idea for the look and I feel like seeing them for real will make everything practically work itself out. Right now, it’s still all in my head and I don’t want to give anything away just yet as I tend to have mad ideas that turn out utterly unfeasible. I sure hope that’s not the case this time.

Last, but not least… I was just about to finally upload the remaining remixes for Mingle and end the whole project when there was new interest in remixing songs from Minutia. So I’ve decided to keep it going just for a little while longer.

In fact, if you would be interested in remixing a song of mine, have a look at this post about the project and drop me line. Or if music’s not your thing, but visuals of any sort you’re very welcome to contribute as well. Please let me know till June 30 if you still want to take part and I’ll accept remixes and visuals for the artwork until July 30.

Thank you to all of you who’ve taken part in it so far. I love how far reaching this has been and how many different creative perspectives it has sparked. I never imagined so many great tracks and images would come out of it. If you’ve sent me a remix or picture, don’t worry, it hasn’t been forgotten, but I will upload all at once in the beginning of August.


  Collabs, Ramblings
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